Monday, September 24, 2007

daily readings first thoughts sept 24 2007

Morning: Psalm 57:1-11
2 Kings 5:1-19
1 Corinthians 4:8-21
Matthew 5:21-26
Evening: Psalm 85:1-13

We Christians can behave badly when we mean well. When I consider the diverse spiritual gifts God has given the church - discernment, wisdom, exhortation, faith, prayer, helps, knowledge, teaching, preaching, mercy to name a few, intended to build up the church - I've watched as we have abused the gifts God has given us. Sometimes we have exploited them for gain. Sometimes we have used them to intimidate. Sometimes we have arrogantly given one gift glory over another. Often we have neglected some all together.

We mean well, protecting the peace, unity and purity of the church, and then we sometimes turn these gifts on each other in the process. I believe Paul was reminding us we are to exercise these gifts with love, patience, gentleness, kindness, forbearance, knowing the first may be last, and the strong may be weak, as we discipline and exhort and disagree. We have a higher calling than our institutions and our positions, our wealth, our power. It's as fools for Christ.

As it did in Corinth, we can forget why we exist. It is not for ourselves that God equips us. It is for the broken world, to serve as partners of the gospel OUT THERE, not just inside. Yes, we must read the Bible and pray together inside, learn to get along as the body of Christ. We must do our best to imitate Christ inside the doors and out, but also remember that God is the judge of all of our misunderstandings and wrong-doings. We leave judgment to Him (and he WILL judge us all), and keep our eye on the reason we exist. Have we forgotten that?

With all the divisions going on in our denomination - in the entire western church - and the heartbreak of some who are leaving us, I believe in the interest of the peace, unity and purity of the church, Jesus is telling us in today's gospel, and Paul too in his letter, when we all behave badly we must be reconciled to each other. Then settle disputes quickly, perhaps letting some go, encouraging others, so that we can get on with what God has gifted us to do. I see judgment for all of us if we do not: Jesus said,
2But I say to you that if you are angry with a brother or sister, you will be liable to judgment; and if you insult a brother or sister, you will be liable to the council; and if you say, 'You fool,' you will be liable to the hell of fire.

Let's be fools for Christ together, as we seek God's will for the church universal, and for our place in it as a denomination. And to those to whom I have behaved badly, let's do lunch. I am paying.


Anonymous said...

Hey there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is emily, I just wanted to let you know that on monday my class is going to a collage campus for Pro-Life out reach. I wondered if you could pray for us and if you know any prayer worriers let them know.

Along with what your post says we can mean well but if we deliver badly or are condecending then none of the good intentions matter.

Anonymous said...

PS for some reason this whol website is in german....

Pastor Lyn said...

German??? really?