Ps 5; Jer 8:4-7, 18-19:6; Rom 5:1-11; John 8:12-20
If nothing else, read the scriptures today. They tell of your only hope for this life and the next. But first, a word about this blog:
This blog contains MY thoughts on the scriptures. Not your thoughts. The scriptures are for US, not just me. By us, I mean, you and me, and the biblical witnesses: the prophets and kings, church fathers and mothers, apostles, popes and priests, pastors and flock, in all times and places. I believe the work of a preacher is to make the invitation clear for others to listen to the word of God, first and foremost. And then, with prayer, and in conversation with the community, I take a stab at putting the Spirit's thoughts into my thoughts and out comes a human word for us. But it is just that: the proclamation of the word by one who has first believed and been redeemed, by faith in Christ.
Your faith will grow not because I tell you what the scriptures mean, unilaterally, but your faith will grow and revelation will come when YOU read them and the Spirit makes them living for you, and in you. No human can do that. Only faith in God through God's word, and the work of the Holy Spirit can do that. I can only share with you in this blog what the Spirt has told me. Then, I enter a conversation with God, and with you. If you do not read the scriptures, then there is no conversation with you, the people of God.
Today's scriptures, when read together, form FOR ME the essence of why Jesus came: while we were still weak and sinners, Christ died for us. I believe that God grieves my sin and the alienation our sin causes, as God grieved for Israel, and Christ grieved for those who did not believe - and God's desire is that I be reconciled with God. And so I repent every day of that, with the asurance that once for all, I am forgiven. And everyday I consider the suffering of Christ so that I might be reconciled. That is what I boast, to use Paul's word for preaching - the suffering that is the testimony.
It is God's desire that we know God - that is why Jesus came. That is why we have the word written. That is why we have the gift of the Holy Spirit. What a waste should we pass them by. It is to our peril.