Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Daily Lectionary Feb 19 07 - First thoughts

Deut 6:16-25; Hebrews 2:1-10
How soon Israel forgot. God delivered Israel from enemies in a big way, and then soon they ask, "Why should we obey you, Lord?" As if to ask, What have you done for me lately? Well, the answer is in verse 10: it is only God who can keep us alive, now and ever. It is only with God that it will ever go well with us, God's people. If we should stop and consider, God delivered us just today from some foe. By the end of this day, there will have been other near-death experiences God handled. God promised. God delivers. How soon we forget.

Hebrews 2 reminds me that our deliverance is assured forever in Christ, the "Pioneer of our suffering." (v.10). Pioneer - the trailblazer who goes before us every day to defeat whatever would try and ambush us. Again, if we would only trust and obey, we are protected forever, to be loved and used by God in big ways.

As the psalmist sings praises, "God is the same forever", God's care is rooted in God's love. God hears us. God brings us home. God saves us.

What has God done for you lately?
You're reading this, aren't you?


Will Burdette said...

I think this is awesome. I'm glad you are part of the blogosphere! I like the name Accidental Upgrade, too. Grace is an interesting thing.

susan said...

I read in Psalm 42 that when I cannot see or feel the presence of
God, he nevertheless is near. David outlines what we need to do when God seems far away: to replay memories of when we were aware of his activity in our lives. It is also telling that David remembers those times most when he was in the community of believers. We cannot do this alone.

When God seems near and we celebrate, we should do so in community. When God seems far away and we grieve, we need community then too. There are times when fellowship with other believers cannot be found, but when possible, living out our faith in the community of faith is the surest way to never forget the goodness of God--to always remember the many blessings he has given us.