Monday, August 6, 2007

daily scriptures first thoughts august 6 2007

Morning: Psalm 62:1-12
2 Samuel 7:1-17
Acts 18:1-11
Mark 8:11-21
Evening: Psalm 73:1-28

As I read Psalm 62, I remember the 15 minutes we took to be alone with God at Wyld Life camp last week with middle schoolers. It happened after all the high energy - ropes course, blobbing, tubing, relays swimming, biking, screaming girls and mischievous boys seeking their attention - you name it. These middle schoolers came to camp full of energy looking for a good time, but many with every sort of trouble, simple and not so simple burdens about identity, belonging, abandonment, full of shame, anger, fear. They couldn't speak it, but they came looking for a sign that there was a God, for a refuge from the pain and craziness of their young lives. To have fun and also find out that they were loved and forgiven. Many had no father, or discipline in their lives.

During the week, many took huge risks doing something they never thought they could do - like going for the trapeze at the end of the rope course, hooked up so they would not fall, but scared to death anyway.
Then, on that last night, all of us went into the darkness alone to talk and listen to God. It's just what we needed after a jam packed week of bone-chilling adventure and never knowing what was next. The speaker had told us all week that God loved us, that Jesus was the way to connect to God. I believed it before I went into the night, but in the dark I heard Jesus tell me again, personally. Heard him call me home to quiet and peace and safety. In the quiet came the truth again I need to hear every day as I grab for the bar and hope I won't fall. The psalmist writes:

For God alone my soul waits in silence,

for my hope is from him.

6He alone is my rock and my salvation,

my fortress; I shall not be shaken.

7On God rests my deliverance and my honor;

my mighty rock, my refuge is in God.

8Trust in him at all times, O people;

pour out your heart before him;

God is a refuge for us.

Camp was a refuge.

The Pharisees were looking for signs that Jesus was divine, so they could nail him for blasphemy. He refused to give them a sign. But he did give signs to the disciples. Yet it took awhile for them to see and hear and remember. Sound familiar? Loaves and fishes, the feeding of thousands with a little, and they still did not understand everything God is, his power to make a way when there is no way. How soon we all forget.

At camp it could be some missed seeing and hearing the divine in the dark, or on the ropes course, bike trail, or basketball court, around the dining tables. But the signs of the divine were everywhere as after a time we saw smiles break out on the tough guy's face. When after 45 minutes of encouragement from new friends, the small, scared 7th grader finally jumped off the blob. The divine was there as a hug and a kind word from a leader reconciled feuding girls. In this place, they got to hang out with leaders who love Jesus and loved them like Jesus loved. Like Paul loved all the people wherever he went, hanging out with them, making tents and sharing stories about life and God and hope. As they hung out, they were changed. Leaders were modeling God's faithfulness and direction, and embodying God's words we read in 2 Samuel today: I will be a father to him, and he shall be a son to me. When he commits iniquity, I will punish him with a rod such as mortals use, with blows inflicted by human beings. 15But I will not take my steadfast love from him...In the darkness they heard God tell them, "I love you." With their leaders they experienced God's care and protection, and guidance. And sometimes, time out!

The divine was present during cabin time, when tears rolled down faces of campers and leaders alike, as they got real with God and each other. Signs were all over the place as the hills and lakes and stars shouted out to city kids who had never been out of the smoky hood. Signs and wonders came as we heard 5 of our young campers share their testimonies on Sunday. "I overcame my fear at camp," said one. "I learned I don't have to please anyone but God," says another. "I grew closer to God," said them all.

If you need a sign - look into the lives of kids who have just said "yes" to Jesus. Then go out into the dark, and listen.

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