Tuesday, August 7, 2007

daily scriptures frist thoughts august 7 2007

Morning: Psalm 12:1-8
2 Samuel 7:18-29
Acts 18:12-28
Mark 8:22-33
Evening: Psalm 36:1-12

Works in progress, we are in Christ. Good old Apollos was a work in progress indeed. A bold, eloquent preacher, a charismatic personality it seems. Well meaning, zealous and sincere, effective. But under-informed about Jesus. A work in progress, who was stopped from speaking until he was set straight about the fullness of Christ by companions Priscilla and Aquila about the baptism by the Holy Spirit. "There's more to this gospel than you're preaching, Apollos." He was pulled aside for a time for continuing education, and then off he went again, bolder, more informed. But first he was silenced.

So was Paul. In Acts, Paul was silenced before he could speak before the tribunal (Acts 18:14). In Mark's gospel today, after he healed the blind man, Jesus silenced him, sent him home instead of back out to the village as a witness. He silenced the disciples from talking about him as Messiah. Instead he told them whole truth about himself: suffering and death would follow him - Peter wanted to silence Jesus over that - but Jesus silenced him.

Though it is comforting to know that we still have a witness like they all did in spite of our incomplete knowledge of God, and Jesus, and the power of the Spirit, in spite of the fact that we prefer to avoid the suffering we do for Jesus, in spite of how we charge off willy nilly in our work, there is a time to be silent, and listen. A time to be silent and learn. A time to be silent and let wounds heal. A time to be silent and begin to let our lives be changed. A time to be silent and let the Lord tell us when and where and how we should go with the good news. When to speak and what to say. For the good news is bad news to those who "plot mischief while on their beds;they are set on a way that is not good; they do not reject evil." (Psalm 36:4). We need to be silent sometimes and let the Lord do battle, and pray.

The church is a work in progress, ever since the Spirit came upon the tiny band of under-informed disciples. Today there are so many voices telling us how to be church. I'm quite sure today, Jesus is telling this preacher, and possible to my small band of believers at my church, shut up and go home, rest awhile. Stay out of the public for a time and let me do the work. Let me teach you more and strengthen you and give you wisdom, and I'll move you out when it's time.

The psalmist says it like this: How precious is your steadfast love, O God!

All people may take refuge in the shadow of your wings.

8They feast on the abundance of your house,

and you give them drink from the river of your delights.

9For with you is the fountain of life;

in your light we see light.

Go home, be still and know that God is with you.


Anonymous said...

Lord God, I pray for South-Broadland, our church family and home. Help us to find our way that we might be of one body and mind. Let there not be discord among us. Let us find our way to be closer to You and each other. So much change is going on. Let our leaders choose the right path, the one that will bring us together, not drive us apart. Amen.

Anonymous said...

There are indeed seasons, the ebb and flow that characterizes life as a believer. The words of the prophet from Ecclesiastes come to mind...to everything there is a season; a time for every purpose under heaven. There are seasons of intensity and there are periods when we are called to come away and spend time at the feet of our Savior, like Mary did while Martha scurried about.

The key is to recognize the Holy Spirit's leading and obeying and understanding that being called to sit in silence is not a time out for not doing it right. Rather, it is a time to renew and relearn or hear new truth for the first time. After we have learned more at the feet of our Savior, we will once again be put back into the mainstream of Christian life to witness anew to the goodness and unfailing love of God.