Monday, January 28, 2008

First Thoughts on the Scriptures January 28 2008

Morning: Psalm 145:1-21
Genesis 14:(1-7) 8-24
Hebrews 8:1-13
John 4:43-54
Evening: Psalm 47:1-9

I appreciated the psalms today. Reminders of how big and cosmic, how eternal is my God. I need that because I get wrapped up in my own problems and intercessions, my thanksgivings for my simple and not-so-simple blessings. I am grateful for the mercy God has shown me, in Christ. Yes, I know by faith that God cares about every hair on my head, about my sins, and has come near me, has forgiven me. I know and believe that Jesus died for me and that I have eternal life with God. The writer of Hebrews also reminds me of God's love for me:
12For I will be merciful toward their iniquities, and I will remember their sins no more." I am grateful for what God has done FOR ME, now and for eternity.

But the psalms humble me too, to see that God cares about every hair on EVERYONE's head. Every peasant and every ruler in every land, the rich and poor, men, women, children, from the beginning of time, through the present and into the future. Everyone - wayward or obedient, Christian, Jew, Muslim or not. A cosmic eternal, sovereign God love me and loves you, and loves everyone. And wants us for His own.

Like the royal official in Johns' gospel, who did not have the Law - was not part of the promise or the covenant made with Abraham. Don't know what religion if any he had. But he believed in miracles only Jesus could do. He knew Jesus first by faith, and then through experience, but not from knowledge, or following the Law, or belonging to a religious group. Jesus healed his son - a sign to confirm what the official already suspected, I imagine. And at that moment, he believed for sure, and the official became a part of the "new covenant", rooted in person of Christ alone.

I reflect on the Hebrews text, and it says to me that for all people in every nation and religion, certainly first for the Jews according to the word, there is ONE God, manifested in Jesus Christ. There is one high priest, and intercessor, one miracle-worker, one Savior. Jesus. Belonging to God, sharing in the Covenant, is manifested in a personal relationship with him, at once particular, and at the same time, cosmic and eternal.

For though God "found fault" with Israel, though Israel could never be purified or fully atoned with sacrifices and priestly work, God had a more excellent way - Jesus Christ. The same blessing I have in Christ has ALWAYS been available to Israel, and to all the people of the world, yesterday, today and tomorrow. But there will be a time when God will bring it all to an end. And some will still not believe the signs and wonders, the truth, to their peril.

This fuels my mission as a minister of Jesus Christ.
I pray that all will come to "know" him personally, for in Jesus is their hope and salvation. I believe I am called to minister this truth to all, in love, as God so loved the world. To proclaim the exclusive covenant God made with us in Christ alone. This is the truth that transcends all other religious knowledge or practices - even Christian practice and doctrine. It is the truth that extends beyond me or you - our blessings and miracles, even our own iniquities. This is the truth that Jesus Christ alone, is the high priest of heaven and Lord of all.

Psalm 47: God is king over the nations; God sits on his holy throne.9The princes of the peoples gather as the people of the God of Abraham. For the shields of the earth belong to God; he is highly exalted.

Thanks be to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit - LORD of all.


Anonymous said...

Thank you for the reminder of how great a salvation God offers, and the great price paid to secure it. Of his enduring and extravagant love. Thank you also for the reminder that not all believe. Some may never believe, but we don't know who, so we need to be about sharing the good news, because salvation is only gained through Christ and that is the message we need to carry to the world. I need to pray for opportunity to share because I am surrounded by believers for the most part and there is no freedom for witnessing in the workplace. But somewhere is an individual that needs to hear the gospel from me and God will open the door and make it happen if I am willing, and I am.

Pastor Lyn said...

God always make a way for the gospel, but unfortunately we always make excuses, don't we? I'm glad you're seeking opportunities to share the love and hope of Chirst. God is going before you to prepare the time, place, and persons for your testimony.

He might even give you words too! Keep up the good "work" of faith.

Pastor Lyn said...

God always make a way for the gospel, but unfortunately we always make excuses, don't we? I'm glad you're seeking opportunities to share the love and hope of Chirst. God is going before you to prepare the time, place, and persons for your testimony.

He might even give you words too! Keep up the good "work" of faith.